Miami Township Fire & EMS

The Miami Township Fire and Emergency Medical Service located in Clermont County, Ohio, is the branch of township operations providing fire, rescue, and emergency medical response. Miami Township Fire/EMS employs 44 full-time employees supplemented by a dynamic group of part-time and volunteer personnel. Currently 39 of the full-time personnel work a 24 / 48 hours shift system where they are on-duty for 24 then are off-duty for 48 hours. The other full-time staff is administrative, working normal business hours. We are here to serve you!
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Hiring Process
Miami Township Fire and Emergency Medical Services is located in beautiful Clermont County Ohio. We employ 47 full time employees, supplemented by a dynamic group of part time and volunteer personnel. We'd love to have you join our team!

CodeRED is a powerful tool that provides real-time emergency notifications and alerts to the people most affected, or who may be able to make a difference, in emergency situations. A key to making the system work is its ability to make “targeted notifications” to certain geographical areas, or to specific groups. Notifications are made via text message, email, and/or voice message. YOU decide which method(s) work best for being notified.

Reflective Address Signs
Seconds seem like minutes, and minutes like hours, when you are waiting for first responders to get to you. When danger is already present or a medical emergency is occurring; the critical time is heightened if responders have trouble finding you.
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CPR Courses
We offer comprehensive first aid courses for citizens and businesses in our community. The course can be tailored to individual needs and generally includes instruction on bleeding control, bandaging, splinting, and medical emergencies. If you have specific needs please consult our training division at (513) 248.3700.
Complete Schedule
Control Severe Bleeding
Gain insight and guidance on how to identify and stop a severe bleed after a traumatic injury. Useful information to know and hopefully never have to use!