
STATION 26 (Central) • (513) 248.3700
Station 26 is located at 5888 McPicken Drive serves our central Fire/EMS district located at the intersection of State Route 28 and McPicken Drive in the Miami Township government complex. This station serves as the headquarters of our operations.
The administrative staff offices are located on the second floor. The building also has sleeping quarters, an exercise room and cooking facilities for the staff. This is the only fire house in the township having a hose tower for drying wet fire hose.
This station houses a paramedic engine, a paramedic ambulance, a tower/aerial unit, a supervisors unit, and staff cars. A reserve ambulance is also housed here. Staffing is variable but includes a minimum of: 3 firefighters, 2 paramedics, and a captain. The numbers can vary with occasional part time and volunteer personnel on station. The administrative staff includes a Chief, an Assistant Chief, a Deputy Chief of Operations, an administrative Captain and an administrative assistant during normal business hours. The apparatus is housed in three drive through bays attached to the main building.

STATION 27 (North) • (513) 248.3709
The North Fire/EMS Station is located 6492 Branch Hill Guinea Pike at the intersection of Wards Corner and Branch Hill Guinea Pike.
This station is a single story structure with a full basement. It was built on the site of an old farm house and has a display of some of the old locks and mantle saved from that house. This station houses 2 firefighters and 2 paramedics. There is a paramedic engine, a paramedic ambulance, technical rescue vehicle and boat, and the Life Safety Education Center located here. As with the other stations, there are cooking, sleeping, and exercise facilities for the staff and an educational hands on classroom.

STATION 28 (South) • (513) 248.3706
The South station is located at 1154 US Route 50 in Perintown. The station covers the southern portion of Miami Township in addition to first responding for neighboring Union Township to their northern most remote area.
There are 2 firefighter / paramedics stationed here 24 hours a day. They respond to the emergency with the most appropriate needed vehicle at the time of the call. They have a paramedic engine, a paramedic ambulance, a field fire unit, a reserve engine, and a staff car to use. The various support utility trailers are also housed at the south station. There are cooking, sleeping and fitness facilities for the personnel in the building. Being almost identical to the North station, there are three drive through bays, and a basement.
This station also serves as the maintenance headquarters for the Fire/EMS fleet of vehicles. All minor and preventative vehicle care is accomplished here.

STATION 29 (East) • (513) 248.4853
The East station is located at 5644 Sugar Camp Road. The building is just under 10,000 square feet and houses one fire engine, and one advanced life support (ALS) paramedic unit. There is additional space in the apparatus bays to house our Mass Casualty Unit, which is a regional asset for southwest Ohio that was purchased with government grant funds. The station is staffed around the clock with a crew of three to five people, depending on daily staffing. This station was designed with some state-of-the-art technology built into it, and adheres to many of the LEED design standards related to lighting and HVAC controls. The goal was to make this facility as environmentally friendly and cost-efficient as possible since the building operates on a continuous use cycle, unlike most standard office buildings.
Additionally, we worked to make use of every space possible, so the mezzanine in our apparatus bays that houses the water heater, duct work and an air compressor also has a training area incorporated into it. The training area consists of two windows that our crews can practice accessing, an anchor wall to practice rope rescue evolutions with, and a manhole that descends into the room below the mezzanine to practice confined space rescue. This new station was designed to last us for the next fifty years, so we plan to get our full use out of it!